Angel Funder Sought To Help Defeat Gender Ideology In California
Sometimes, grass roots isn't quite enough.
Editorial note: This is a guest post by Mark Travis. He is a software developer in Northern California. Unrelated to his work, he is also a member of the Placer County Republican Party Central Committee. Note that this article is not composed on behalf of the Party, but reflects the personal experience of the author. This piece was lightly edited for clarity.
In my opinion, the worst social phenomena can best be explained by preponderance of Cluster B personalities. I arrive at this from observing current events honed by direct developmental experience. The “trans” movement, particularly as it targets children, is a prime example of domination by Cluster B’s. This movement is as near to categorical evil as can be imagined in contemporary America. The purpose of this article is to elicit support to defeat the trans movement in California by enacting the following three laws:
1) Keep males out of girls’ public school sports.
2) Forbid public schools from keeping secrets from parents when a child becomes afflicted with trans grooming propaganda.
3) Forbid chemical and physical mutilation of children.
I became aware several decades after the fact that I was raised by somebody with Cluster B personality. My step-father, who was bisexual, was a narcissist and, likely, a psychopath. Daily, he abused both my mother and myself. I endured this for about 5 years until he attempted to rape me. With help from my mother, I departed to live with my biological father the next day. My step-father was also a political activist. He was an organizer with a powerful labor union. This was a political household. My mother, a school teacher, was on her school board. Their friends were all the local politicians, from dog-catcher to Congress. He stole from my mother—drained savings accounts. Drained college savings my grandfather had given me. I have to believe he also stole from his union without direct evidence. But he did brag about having 5 different pensions by age 50.
I was an adolescent during the years under my step-father’s roof. I was berated for hours several times a week for several years. For much of this time, I believed that I had done something wrong. He was very good at manipulating my empathy to feel badly about some harm that I had caused him. He was a retired military officer, and explained to me that his role in raising me was like what they do in basic training: completely demolish the person’s sense of self and rebuild it in their image. I don’t know if that’s really what basic is like. But my step-father was explicit to me that his goal was to destroy my personality. He also sexualized me, and I didn’t really understand it at the time. At around age 13, I remember him starting to tell me my ass looked like that of a black girl’s. At the time, I didn’t realize what a compliment this was! He made me wear short shorts—like Officer Dangle of Reno 911. He made me swim laps in the pool at 6am in the summer. In hindsight, it’s clear he wanted to watch me swim and was probably masturbating. The abuse was mostly verbal and emotional. Sometimes, he would slap me or slap and choke my mother. I remember his favorite word for my mother was “fuck eyes.” He’d call her a cunt, and gave her the name “fuck eyes.” He called me “Nerdpuss.” That was my name. I was always good at math, liked computers and books, and was pretty introverted. Yes, I was nerdy. Plus a pussy. Nerdpuss was my name. One day when I was 16 my step-father was berating me in my bedroom like normal. I was sitting on my bed. Suddenly, he pushed me back and turned me over in an arm lock. He started pulling my jeans off. I yelled. My mother came in the room and slapped his shoulder to get him off of me. He was much bigger than both of us, and could have continued if he wanted to, but he stopped. I know lots of people that have had much worse experiences than I: they’d get beaten and/or raped nearly every day, sometimes by both parents. I got off light in hindsight, but it still affected me.
So, I moved to live with my biological father. My parents divorced when I was one. He took me in, thankfully, when my mother told him that I needed to leave the house. I was really messed up though. I started smoking marijuana daily and drank often. Also did other drugs. My favorite was LSD. My father left me to do whatever I wanted. He treated me as if I was an adult. From my perspective, I didn’t want to be told what to do. Plus, he wasn’t trying to rape me—so I was in heaven! I have a few more tidbits about being sexualized by adults. In the high school of my father’s small town, I made friends quickly. I had lots of marijuana and no curfew. I became friends with an old man who gave me plenty of marijuana, and recommended that at least 1 every 10 inhalations should be smoke. He talked to me about turning 18 and coming to live with him and his male friend to help them grow pot. He was a convicted felon, but never disclosed to me what he was in for. I cherished this friendship (and the weed). He never showed me anything but kindness, and I spent several days per week between ages 16-17 at his house in the afternoons and evenings. I had a Spidey sense that this wasn’t a scene I wanted to stay with, however. Later in life I learned that this is referred to as “grooming.” I had other friends closer to my age. We all liked getting high together on whatever we could find. The more hard core ones had cocaine habits costing several hundred dollars per day. They afforded this by either dealing or selling their bodies to dealers. My Spidey sense told me to get away from that scene also.
It is very difficult to describe narcissistic abuse to a person who has not experienced it. It’s the emotional manipulation. We can all easily imagine physical abuse and are rightly horrified. But narcissistic abuse is more difficult to convey. It’s like somebody knows all of the pieces of your mind and sets to work smashing them for their own pleasure. The crux of their power is not overt brutality. It is emotional manipulation. This is how victims consent to continuous abuse. Normal people have functioning empathy. Cluster B abusers have an essentially innate ability to manipulate our empathy. Extrapolated to social movements, it becomes quickly apparent the same type of manipulation and abuse is being carried out on a massive scale. I think the key to not being manipulated begins with skepticism. If presented with a situation that tugs at our heart strings, the first impulse is to empathize and protect. But if we are not discerning, that is the path to our manipulation and abuse. Pertaining to children and their sexuality, we should be skeptical of anybody who wants kids to confide in them and keep secrets from their family. How do you know that the person is not a pedophile?
Thankfully, my Spidey sense (and family) convinced me to enter rehab just before I turned 18. I was very lucky to have had a support network. I turned things around and entered college. Politically, I was very far left. But I also believed that there was something deeply wrong with politics. My step-father embodied my view of politics: violent, criminal, and perverted. I participated in leftist activism in my early 20’s but drifted away from it. I wanted nothing to do with politics, left or right, for several decades. I would vote occasionally, but did not participate directly. I was more concerned with earning a living and otherwise leading my life.
Prior to COVID, I believed that there was some integrity left in the system. It could go on without my involvement. I had no angle: my livelihood wasn’t in extracting a living from the government so I could safely stay away. I thought that the criminals and freaks engaged in politics kind of balanced each other so that people like me could stay away. I even complied with wearing a mask for a few months. I bought into the hysteria somewhat. But by 2022 I realized that any credulity I ever had regarding the government, media, and large corporations had been completely unfounded. A sense of urgency overtook me: our world was descending in real time into totalitarianism. Inspired by the Freedom Convoy that shut down Ottawa, I took some time off of work, bought an RV and, with my fiance (now wife), joined The People’s Convoy from California to Washington DC. The goal was to repeal all COVID mandates nationwide and to punish those responsible for creating the bio-weapon. This imbued me with purpose to maximize my involvement going forward. There’s no integrity in our system without the direct involvement of regular people like me. Involvement in the Convoy connected me with the deepest sense of patriotism and love of my fellows than I’ve ever experienced. The image at the top of this article was a drone’s-eye-view of the convoy soon after our arrival in Maryland. Imagine the trucks all honking in unison!
I am involved in politics because I believe that our country is on a course to the worst kind of tyranny imaginable. If I don’t expend every effort fighting this, then I will regret what we lost later in life. I have no financial interest—in fact, this is very expensive! Fortunately, I live in Placer County, California. It means I have a lot of people nearby who have been fighting much longer and more effectively than I! California engaged in the worst COVID-era abuses of the whole country. All state government institutions are controlled by Democrats, and the Democratic Party has been responsible for those policies. But unlike most people whose livelihoods were ruined by government response to COVID, I had been prospering. So in 2022 I started donating to politicians throughout Placer County. I gave money to everybody in the county who defied the COVID madness coming from DC and Sacramento. Placer County schools were the first in the state to jettison mask mandates. This is because of parental involvement in local politics.
In this way I met Jonathan Zachreson. Like me, Jonathan was new to politics. He lead an organization called Reopen California Schools to get students back in the classroom in spite of the never-ending COVID hysteria. There is no doubt that Jonathan was right all along. Jonathan formed a PAC called Students First California that helped over 2 dozen school board candidates get elected. Many of them parents running their first campaigns to take back control of their kids’ education from institutional capture! Jonathan also got elected to school board in Roseville, California. In 2022, I donated $25,000 to Jonathan’s PAC and more in addition to several candidates directly and to the Republican Party of Placer County.
Meanwhile, the trans movement had been gathering steam. Remote schooling introduced parents to neo-Marxist indoctrination in the curriculum and a social contagion of children pretending to be the opposite sex. Central to the trans movement is that secrets must be kept from parents. That adult strangers should take the place of parents helping guide children in their identities. That boys should compete in girls’ sports and share their changing rooms. That the cure to childhood depression and confused identity is to chemically sterilize and then chop off their genitals. That not doing so causes childhood suicide.
I have spent my life with a live-and-let-live attitude for adults. There’s no telling what other people might find fun, and they should enjoy themselves with other consenting adults. I like John Waters movies, etc. That’s all fine for adults. But keep it away from other people’s children! It all changes once children are involved. In no circumstance should a non-parent adult privately coach children on sexuality. In my upbringing, I had nearly been raped and my sexual identity manipulated by a malevolent parental figure. I had been fondled by a male grade school teacher. I hung out with kids my age prostituting themselves for drugs. I was groomed in late adolescence to be a boy toy for creepy old pot farmers. I ultimately avoided these traps, but it lives with me still. I don’t want it happening to other people’s children.
It is not much of a stretch to suspect that the abuse and grooming techniques used on me several decades ago are also occurring within the trans movement. It is predicated on generating sexual confusion in children while simultaneously encouraging the abdication of parental involvement with their children around issues of sexuality. With the recent passage of AB1955, California has codified this into law with complete support of all statewide Democratic officials. Instead, I believe we need to:
1) Keep males out of girls’ public school sports.
2) Forbid public schools from keeping secrets from parents when a child becomes afflicted with trans grooming propaganda.
3) Forbid chemical and physical mutilation of children.
Protect Kids California aims to place into law a ballot measure that fixes these problems. This is nearly impossible in California without millions of dollars in funding. This is because 550,000 verified signatures need to be gathered in a short time window to appear on the ballot. This is normally done by paid signature gatherers at pedestrian centers across the state. But because of the popularity of this measure by normal people, in 2024 they have gathered 400,000 signatures entirely from grass roots volunteers on a budget of only than $200,000. Unfortunately, this was not enough to get the measure on the 2024 ballot. We’re looking forward to getting it in 2026. But we need somebody to step up. Protect Kids California has more traction than any other grass-roots initiative. Unfortunately, the grass roots alone is not sufficient.
I gave $5,000, but I can’t do millions. 30,000 Californians acted as signature gatherers. They are poised to start again to prepare for 2026. Jonathan Zachreson and Erin Friday co-founded Protect Kids California. He runs a successful PAC that has helped elect dozens of school board members in Placer County. I donated $25,000 to his PAC in 2022. I have no angle on this. This is a very large sum for me. I don’t want what happened to me as a child to become official government policy! Erin is a lifelong Democrat whose daughter was captured by the trans movement through her Bay Area public school. Fortunately, Erin was able to rescue her daughter before permanent physical harm was done. Other notable advocates include:
California Assemblyman Bill Essayli.
Chloe Cole, pictured above, who regrets having her breasts removed in adolescence.
Bottom line is we need several million dollar to supplement the 30,000 volunteer signature gatherers in a time window targeting the 2026 general election. Once approved for the ballot, more funds will be needed to run a campaign in conjunction with the volunteer army. No other issue better brings to light the pathological nature of contemporary leftism. It clearly shocks the conscience of all normal people. Schools are getting worse as institutional capture increases. This is part of a long-term project. Victory in this ballot measure may turn the tide to return control of our institutions to regular people, unlocking untold value for future generations.
We are an LGB human rights organization. Don’t like indoctrination of children and teenagers by radical gender activism? Neither do we. But there is a media black out on our voices for obvious reasons. If you want pre-created documents to send to your school officials we’ve done the work for you. Our documents are well argued, have plenty of citations, and come from a centrist and secular perspective.
Excellent, best of luck.