Sep 21, 2022Liked by Gayathiri Rajkumar

Terrific work. I share your frustration with these self-diagnoses. I worked at a psych hospital for years and would often hear patients say "oh, that's just my ADD." I would ask them what they were doing to reduce their symptoms or build resiliency and they always said nothing. They just wanted the excuse.

Also this trend of advertising your mental illnesses in your Twitter bio is completely ridiculous. Publicly telling everyone you have depression is a great sign you don't.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Gayathiri Rajkumar

How dare you, only a bigot would ever suggest that the Tide Pods generation is (checks notes) highly prone to suggestion through social media

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This is also true with gender ideology. Young people unhappy with their bodies are being directed towards taking destructive puberty blockers, hormones and then disaster surgeries. The number of young women transitioning to so-called men has risen $4,000%.

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Social media as a potential spreader of psychogenic illness... Once you highlight it, it becomes obvious that this is probably the case. I recently speculated that the endless repetition of "trans suicide" in the media may actually cause more suicides than would otherwise occur. Do you think that's also a danger? See here: https://ponerology.substack.com/p/youre-denying-my-very-existence

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Hi , This is clear and direct on how the " Social Media Persona " can turn people into something they previous weren't based on dependency and addiction. I've been studying and i myself have seen the positive and negative impacts of social media when influenced wrong vs right. I. proposed in 2017 the need for " Social Media Harm Reduction " to be introduced as well as " Social Media First Aid " courses to support and push education around this topic. ---- The Social Media Research Institute would like to support or partner in the future. Info@SocailMediaResearchCorp.com --- www.JonathanBertrand.com

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