The Multilevel Mailer
The Multilevel Mailer Podcast
Tumblr, TikTok, & Psychopathology: The Technomediation of Identity-Based Peri-Psychopathology

Tumblr, TikTok, & Psychopathology: The Technomediation of Identity-Based Peri-Psychopathology


In this legacy Callin episode from February 7, 2022 I was joined by Internet historian and columnist Katherine Dee to discuss the unique role Tumblr & TikTok have played in spawning an ascendent identity-based therapeutic ideology unconstrained by conventional psychiatric nosology.

I am providing this recut archived version from Callin (which was acquired by Rumble in May 2023) to paid subscribers for their own digital libraries and to preserve for the record.

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The Multilevel Mailer
The Multilevel Mailer Podcast
The Intersection of Science & Social Policy